Tracy and I did the Mud Run again this year (it has been 3 years since we last completed the race)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Nike Women's Marathon
I know it has been awhile since my last post...but w/summer in MN, 2 boys in school, an obsession with facebook, and training for another marathon - time has just gotten away from me.
I did the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco this past weekend w/fellow teammate Shelli. Here is the low down on the race....
Friday - we took an early flight headed to the West coast - it is always better to do the expo on friday rather then saturday. However, in my opinion, this was a very lame expo. I did get my ipod engraved for free...but standing in line for a free mani, pedi, or massage just didn't really appeal to me. Also, you had to go to NikeTown or Macy's to BUY anything...weird. They did have free Jamba all was not lost.
Saturday - Shelli and I made the most of the city and took a 3.5 hour city tour. I had never been to San Francisco and really enjoyed the tour. We zipped through it all. We were even stopped for close to 15 minutes so that Joe Biden himself could fly down the street with his caravan. We ended up at a little restaurant near Pier 1 for dinner. We sat right by the window looking out onto the bay and the beautiful bay bridge.
Sunday - We were up at 4:30 - so we could be downstairs walking to the bus stop by 5:15. We got ourselves together and headed to the bust stop. Please keep in mind that we come from a city with OUT public transporatation and we watched the bus cruise right on past us because we were sitting in the covered bus stop...rather then standing in the right place around the corner...we had time on our we started walking. We made it to the start by 5:45. We found a nice little place to sit and rest our legs while we waiting to make our way to the start. At 7 we were off. We headed out of downtown and straight for the water. The miles in the beginning just seem to fly by. We ran along a similar route that the bus took us the day before so it was cool seeing the city again...from a different perspective. Mile 6-7 was straight up a huge hill - I think we were down the hill in less then 1/2 a mile. My knee then started screaming. By mile 10 I was convinced I was done and would be walking the rest of the race. Then all of a sudden we were at mile 12 and the pain was gone. We continued cooking until mile 18...then Shelli hit the wall and I crashed with her. We realized that we were tired, our legs hurt, and we were going to finish...just not in the time we wanted. We were both completely OK with this! I announced my retirement from running marathons at about mile 21. The last part of the race was run on a road that was in major need of repair. With each step your foot seemed to be pulled and pushed in several different directions. The only flat part of the road was a narrow shoulder that would come and go. And then, just as quickly as the miles pasted in the beginning...we were done. We got our little blue boxes, some food, then collapsed on the ground. We were tired and hurt...but we had done it....again.
There is a huge amount of hype surrounding this race. Most of the money goes to charity and you can tell where their priorities are...with that being my opinion there are better fall races...I guess it all depends what you are after. The course was very tough...not a lot of city support and spectators and kinda a lame after party. If you didn't belong to TNT or had granola, a banana, and a jamba couldn't even BUY a BEER!!! What kind of horrible crap is that????? You also had to take a bus back to the start (for $10) I will say that I really like the finishers t-shirt AND the Tiffany Necklace is pretty cool (kinda nice having a medal you can wear all of the time)
To sum it up - it was a good one time race if you want to see San Francisco...but NOT my favorite.
I did the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco this past weekend w/fellow teammate Shelli. Here is the low down on the race....
Friday - we took an early flight headed to the West coast - it is always better to do the expo on friday rather then saturday. However, in my opinion, this was a very lame expo. I did get my ipod engraved for free...but standing in line for a free mani, pedi, or massage just didn't really appeal to me. Also, you had to go to NikeTown or Macy's to BUY anything...weird. They did have free Jamba all was not lost.
Saturday - Shelli and I made the most of the city and took a 3.5 hour city tour. I had never been to San Francisco and really enjoyed the tour. We zipped through it all. We were even stopped for close to 15 minutes so that Joe Biden himself could fly down the street with his caravan. We ended up at a little restaurant near Pier 1 for dinner. We sat right by the window looking out onto the bay and the beautiful bay bridge.
Sunday - We were up at 4:30 - so we could be downstairs walking to the bus stop by 5:15. We got ourselves together and headed to the bust stop. Please keep in mind that we come from a city with OUT public transporatation and we watched the bus cruise right on past us because we were sitting in the covered bus stop...rather then standing in the right place around the corner...we had time on our we started walking. We made it to the start by 5:45. We found a nice little place to sit and rest our legs while we waiting to make our way to the start. At 7 we were off. We headed out of downtown and straight for the water. The miles in the beginning just seem to fly by. We ran along a similar route that the bus took us the day before so it was cool seeing the city again...from a different perspective. Mile 6-7 was straight up a huge hill - I think we were down the hill in less then 1/2 a mile. My knee then started screaming. By mile 10 I was convinced I was done and would be walking the rest of the race. Then all of a sudden we were at mile 12 and the pain was gone. We continued cooking until mile 18...then Shelli hit the wall and I crashed with her. We realized that we were tired, our legs hurt, and we were going to finish...just not in the time we wanted. We were both completely OK with this! I announced my retirement from running marathons at about mile 21. The last part of the race was run on a road that was in major need of repair. With each step your foot seemed to be pulled and pushed in several different directions. The only flat part of the road was a narrow shoulder that would come and go. And then, just as quickly as the miles pasted in the beginning...we were done. We got our little blue boxes, some food, then collapsed on the ground. We were tired and hurt...but we had done it....again.
There is a huge amount of hype surrounding this race. Most of the money goes to charity and you can tell where their priorities are...with that being my opinion there are better fall races...I guess it all depends what you are after. The course was very tough...not a lot of city support and spectators and kinda a lame after party. If you didn't belong to TNT or had granola, a banana, and a jamba couldn't even BUY a BEER!!! What kind of horrible crap is that????? You also had to take a bus back to the start (for $10) I will say that I really like the finishers t-shirt AND the Tiffany Necklace is pretty cool (kinda nice having a medal you can wear all of the time)
To sum it up - it was a good one time race if you want to see San Francisco...but NOT my favorite.
Monday, July 14, 2008
I really should have done this right when I finished...oh well...better late then never.
T.O, Pam, Brad, & Michelle
The 4 of us all belong to the same running club in Texas. The guy in the yellow...this was his like 65th marathon. We had a nice long bus ride to the start. The weather was nice. Not too hot not too cold. Perfect day to run. We had a fly over by 2 Navy planes...that was pretty cool. We also had a moment of silence for a runner from Kenya that recently died and had won Grandma's in the past. The next thing we knew...we were off.

My sister and I in the REALLY cold Lake Superior
I did something a little bit different at the start of this race...had an energy drink. Not the no calorie kind that I usually drink...but the full sugar/calorie kind. One of my favorite parts of doing races is the people that you meet. There were 4 of us from my local running club that all met up that morning to ride up to the start together. One of them is a marathon maniac - and wouldn't you know it...we met other maniacs. The funny thing about these guys...they introduce themselves by their number. Kinda weird...but I'm not really gonna dis anyone that runs as much as these guys do.
The 4 of us all belong to the same running club in Texas. The guy in the yellow...this was his like 65th marathon. We had a nice long bus ride to the start. The weather was nice. Not too hot not too cold. Perfect day to run. We had a fly over by 2 Navy planes...that was pretty cool. We also had a moment of silence for a runner from Kenya that recently died and had won Grandma's in the past. The next thing we knew...we were off.
I got myself into a nice groove. Laughing as I read the street sign "No Passing Zone". The next thing I know a nice girl ran up next to me. "You seem to be running pretty steady...what is your goal time" - I answered "hopefully will do a 4:15" - she said "do you KNOW how fast you are going?" So, we started talking...she kept my mind off the fact that we were hitting each mile marker at about 8:25 pace per mile. She wanted to come in at about 3:45 so around mile 13 I let her go...I was getting tired...she wasn't. I cruised at about a 9 minute pace until mile 20. It was at this point when I knew that 4 hours was in my grasp. All I had to do was average a 10 minute mile. So.....I did one at 9...another at 11...another one at 9...another one at 10...2 miles to go...not only will I hit 4 hours...I knew as long as I didn't stop I would break 4 hours. As I'm running down the last 100 yards the announcer is getting the spectators to cheer for the runners trying to break 4 hours. They actually did a count down of the last 10 seconds until 4 hours...but since this wasn't my first rodeo...I knew that was gun time...not chip there I cruised into a 3.58.45 - I was excitied. I hurt. but then I found ice cream. Life was good once again.
My sister and I in the REALLY cold Lake Superior
Grandma's Marathon - is a great race. This is a town that really knows how to put on a race and still care about all that marathon weekend should be. We did the pasta dinner on friday night and partied all night in Duluth on Saturday. I am actually planning on going back next year. My sister wants to do the 1/2 and I have a cousin that MAY do the full.
The gang after some good pizza and beer!
T.O., Brad, Michelle, 7 Pam
Sunday, June 1, 2008
20 down...bring on Grandma!
Finished my last long run this morning. Did 20 miles - pretty much all alone. It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be. Finished in 3 hours and 8 minutes...pretty good click...if only I can hang on to that for the real deal in Duluth.
I started around 5:40 and did 8 all alone...hardly saw a sole out there. Then I was a the clubhouse for some water and to see who was going out again. Once again I found my home...right behind the fast ones and ahead of the next group back. So there went my next 8...saw more people on the road...but it was still just me and the ipod. 16 down...easy 2 out and back to bring the grand total to 20. Once I made the turn around...I knew I was fine. The hardest part was that with every Nike+ was more and more off. You have 2 miles to I don't...I have about 2.5 miles to go...oh well - gotta get that thing calibrated again this week.
It's been a great training season. A few issues recently w/the toes (got new shoes...only half sized up rather then the full) - but other then that...I feel really good.
Turns out there is a small group from the running club that will be running Grandma' will be nice to have some people to hang with...I'm hoping that Tara will be good staying for awhile...then it is a long drive back to Brainard...gonna hurt when I get out of the car...I can feel it.
4:19 or better gets me a new tattoo - let me hear the cheers!
I started around 5:40 and did 8 all alone...hardly saw a sole out there. Then I was a the clubhouse for some water and to see who was going out again. Once again I found my home...right behind the fast ones and ahead of the next group back. So there went my next 8...saw more people on the road...but it was still just me and the ipod. 16 down...easy 2 out and back to bring the grand total to 20. Once I made the turn around...I knew I was fine. The hardest part was that with every Nike+ was more and more off. You have 2 miles to I don't...I have about 2.5 miles to go...oh well - gotta get that thing calibrated again this week.
It's been a great training season. A few issues recently w/the toes (got new shoes...only half sized up rather then the full) - but other then that...I feel really good.
Turns out there is a small group from the running club that will be running Grandma' will be nice to have some people to hang with...I'm hoping that Tara will be good staying for awhile...then it is a long drive back to Brainard...gonna hurt when I get out of the car...I can feel it.
4:19 or better gets me a new tattoo - let me hear the cheers!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
18 down - 20 left
I hit 18 this past sunday. Didn't really have a plan when I woke up. The puppy had me up at about 5:15...after catching up with my Tivo, I deceided it was time to head out about 6:40. I took off at the park a little before 7. I did the 4 miles filled with hills first - then on a whim I stopped by the car to see if anyone called wanting to join me. Yippee Kristine had left me a voice mail. I quickly called her back. She told me to do 2 more miles...then she'll meet me there. Score 1 for Pam! Those 2 miles flew by as I was pumped with the needed energy that I wouldn't have to tackle so many miles on my own.
Kristine and I took off on the streets. A really nice 8 mile loop. She asked me how the pace was..."fast...way too fast, just kidding, not really" - anyway, it was a real joy to have her. We had just a few miles to go on our 8 and I said that it was really good of her to come out and that the 4 miles that I needed to make it to 18 would be a great cool down through the park. She then said "don't worry, I'm not leaving you, I'm bringing you all the way home!" - Crap, you weren't supposed to say that...but with that the next miles just flew by. Our last mile was clocked @ 9.06 - not too shabby.
It was a great run and I am still very grateful that I showed up at Bold in the Cold on that horrible weather day for a 15K run in January of 07...I met a great friend and runny buddy that day.
Kristine and I took off on the streets. A really nice 8 mile loop. She asked me how the pace was..."fast...way too fast, just kidding, not really" - anyway, it was a real joy to have her. We had just a few miles to go on our 8 and I said that it was really good of her to come out and that the 4 miles that I needed to make it to 18 would be a great cool down through the park. She then said "don't worry, I'm not leaving you, I'm bringing you all the way home!" - Crap, you weren't supposed to say that...but with that the next miles just flew by. Our last mile was clocked @ 9.06 - not too shabby.
It was a great run and I am still very grateful that I showed up at Bold in the Cold on that horrible weather day for a 15K run in January of 07...I met a great friend and runny buddy that day.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
18 this weekend
With 2 16's under my belt - I deceided to push for an 18 this weekend. I just put a post on the running club forum trying to drum up some friends...sometime you got running buddies...sometimes you dont'...18 miles...right when you need them...but that is when most run away...
I'm missing a 5K race on saturday. Theo has his last baseball game bright an early @ 8:15 - if only that was early...I would have been awake for at least 3 hours - darn new puppy.
School is almost out and the boys and I are really looking forward to heading up to the lake house for the first summer in MN. I'm hoping to find some great running trails...hum, perhaps I'll take up trail running....more on that later hopefully.
I've made the decision to get a new tatoo after Grandma's if I can PR - gotta finish under 4:20 to earn the baby. My sister is working on the design. I'll post it here when she is done.
pamcakes out.
I'm missing a 5K race on saturday. Theo has his last baseball game bright an early @ 8:15 - if only that was early...I would have been awake for at least 3 hours - darn new puppy.
School is almost out and the boys and I are really looking forward to heading up to the lake house for the first summer in MN. I'm hoping to find some great running trails...hum, perhaps I'll take up trail running....more on that later hopefully.
I've made the decision to get a new tatoo after Grandma's if I can PR - gotta finish under 4:20 to earn the baby. My sister is working on the design. I'll post it here when she is done.
pamcakes out.
Monday, May 5, 2008
16 down
This past Sunday I did my longest run in a very long time. I was set to run 16 to get me ready for Grandma's on the 21st of June. With life the way it is...I had to get out on Saturday...crap Shelli has the Y - there is NO way that I can run 16 alone...because that is boring!
Along came Boston Kristine and she offered to do 10 with me. SCORE! I can do 10 with her, that only leaves me with 6 more to do alone. I can do that!
The miles seemed to fly by as Kristine and I ran - it had been so long since we've had a chance to run together, I kinda forgot what it was like to be pushed...but my 6 alone gave me a chance to slow the pace down a bit. The weather was great! Shorts and my favorite black long sleeve shirt. It was a great way to begin a Saturday.
I'm doing another 16 this weekend. I think I'll have Kristine again for at least 12.
7 Weeks to go!
Along came Boston Kristine and she offered to do 10 with me. SCORE! I can do 10 with her, that only leaves me with 6 more to do alone. I can do that!
The miles seemed to fly by as Kristine and I ran - it had been so long since we've had a chance to run together, I kinda forgot what it was like to be pushed...but my 6 alone gave me a chance to slow the pace down a bit. The weather was great! Shorts and my favorite black long sleeve shirt. It was a great way to begin a Saturday.
I'm doing another 16 this weekend. I think I'll have Kristine again for at least 12.
7 Weeks to go!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Good Luck Ladies
Would just like to wish 2 of my teammates good luck and have fun this weekend while running the Country Music Half Marathon. I'll be tracking you and can't wait to read all about - would love to see a picture or two also!
Enjoy this weekend together!
Run Hard, Have Fun, Enjoy!
Enjoy this weekend together!
Run Hard, Have Fun, Enjoy!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Nike Women's we come!
It is official - Shelli and I both got into the Nike Women's Marathon. A beautiful run alongside the Pacific Ocean, a Tiffany necklace when you finish...handed to you by a hottie dressed in a tuxedo!!! What more could a girl ask for in exchange for running 26.2 miles.
This marathon will be the 2nd full marathon that Shelli and I have run together. The race will be Shelli's 2nd marathon and after I finish grandmas marathon in June, this race will be my 6th marathon.
There will be plenty to write about once training gets into high gear this summer. Any other see mommy run ladies get into the race?
This marathon will be the 2nd full marathon that Shelli and I have run together. The race will be Shelli's 2nd marathon and after I finish grandmas marathon in June, this race will be my 6th marathon.
There will be plenty to write about once training gets into high gear this summer. Any other see mommy run ladies get into the race?
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Okay - so I broke down and bought the Nike+thing. Pam - you are going to have to teach me how this works! Mom got one too.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
What a mother will do in order to run...
OK - so with 2 boys involved in sports and practice on the same day, you would think that this would lead to NOT being able to get in a nice run - BUT the running gods are looking down on me this baseball and soccer season because both boys practice in the same field at almost the same time! So here is our plan...
pull them off the wii
have them change into "proper practice attire"
feed them dinner
help each boy get their bike out of the garage
pack the baseball bag
crap - we need a soccer ball
crap - we need 2 bottles of water
crap - I need a garage door opener
crap - I need a change a clothes so I can run to bunko after practice
crap - I need $5 for bunko
OK - we are finally off. The boys take off, it seems as if they have mastered speed racing and the most direct route to the practice fields...according to my nike+ just under 1/2 mile away. And there is me...supermom running behind them with the huge baseball bag strung across my back (Why was it not this heavy last time...right change of clothes, soccer ball, and additional water) I feel completely foolish - why is this a good idea again???
Drop off Theo - promise his coach that I have my phone on me this time (lost 1/2 his front tooth last time I went running...but that is a different post) - have 15 minutes before Reece needs to practice - so Reece takes off on his bike and I follow - get in a quick mile or so...drop off Reece an I am off! Finally free! I squeeze out a 5K and make it back just in time to find Theo skipping out of his practice to convince Reece's coach that he needs a lollipop. Mean mommy snatching the lollipop and sends him back into the outfield to finish up working on grounders.
Reece plays at the playground, I watch Theo, Theo finishes, and the boys are back on their bikes and I'm back chasing them down the street. Quick change of clothes and I'm off to bunko - and only 20 minutes late...not so bad.
Ran just over 5 miles and was biggest loser at bunko so I went home with my $5...nice day!
pull them off the wii
have them change into "proper practice attire"
feed them dinner
help each boy get their bike out of the garage
pack the baseball bag
crap - we need a soccer ball
crap - we need 2 bottles of water
crap - I need a garage door opener
crap - I need a change a clothes so I can run to bunko after practice
crap - I need $5 for bunko
OK - we are finally off. The boys take off, it seems as if they have mastered speed racing and the most direct route to the practice fields...according to my nike+ just under 1/2 mile away. And there is me...supermom running behind them with the huge baseball bag strung across my back (Why was it not this heavy last time...right change of clothes, soccer ball, and additional water) I feel completely foolish - why is this a good idea again???
Drop off Theo - promise his coach that I have my phone on me this time (lost 1/2 his front tooth last time I went running...but that is a different post) - have 15 minutes before Reece needs to practice - so Reece takes off on his bike and I follow - get in a quick mile or so...drop off Reece an I am off! Finally free! I squeeze out a 5K and make it back just in time to find Theo skipping out of his practice to convince Reece's coach that he needs a lollipop. Mean mommy snatching the lollipop and sends him back into the outfield to finish up working on grounders.
Reece plays at the playground, I watch Theo, Theo finishes, and the boys are back on their bikes and I'm back chasing them down the street. Quick change of clothes and I'm off to bunko - and only 20 minutes late...not so bad.
Ran just over 5 miles and was biggest loser at bunko so I went home with my $5...nice day!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Lady of the Lake Relay
It was a great day for an 18 mile relay. The weather was a little too cold for my taste...but with the sun shining and very little wind - you really couldn't complain. I did get another chance to wear the awesome black base layer shirt from sport skirts...too bad it was way to cold to wear it alone!
Our team time was 2.54 ish - official times will be available later this week.
There was even pizza and beer - I mean come on, who doesn't like free pizza and beer @ 10:30 in the morning!
Our team (in running order) today was Chansi, Pam, Danyah, and Tracy. We are all teachers together @ Dawson Middle School. They even had some extra shirts so we snagged one for our wonderful principal so hopefully on spirit friday we can all wear our shirts!
I'll post the pictures - one of Tracy finishing, Tracy & Danyah, and Danyah & Pam
Our team time was 2.54 ish - official times will be available later this week.
There was even pizza and beer - I mean come on, who doesn't like free pizza and beer @ 10:30 in the morning!
Our team (in running order) today was Chansi, Pam, Danyah, and Tracy. We are all teachers together @ Dawson Middle School. They even had some extra shirts so we snagged one for our wonderful principal so hopefully on spirit friday we can all wear our shirts!
I'll post the pictures - one of Tracy finishing, Tracy & Danyah, and Danyah & Pam
Friday, March 7, 2008
Good luck!
Good luck on your run tomorrow! I know it will be cold - but knowing you guys you will have a blast! I'll be thinking of you...
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
A perfect Sunday...
Sunday and 72 here in Illinois. A perfect day for a great run! So much fun to run without a coat or sweatshirt! Was just fun to get out there, run and breathe deeply. Tuesday and 5 inches of snow... sigh. If I'm lucky by the weekend it will be beautiful again! Until then I'll just have to run on the treadmill and be happy with it. It is almost Spring....right?
Happy running in Texas!
Happy running in Texas!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Running with Friends!
After a long cold winter of being forced to run alone on a treadmill or alone on the streets...I was blessed with being able to run with 2 great running buddies.
Only Half Crazy teammate Shelli and I ran 6 miles on Saturday morning down at the Trinity Trails in downtown Fort Worth. Shelli and I hadn't run together since the 1/2 we did in Phoenix and with perfect weather we headed out around 9AM. I had my handy dandy Nike+ and we had no idea of our pace or time until we finished...the fabulous news...ran 6 miles in 52 something...our pace was 8:41 - Shelli was such a trooper and responded with..."no wonder I'm dead". Way to Go Shelli!
My Sunday run was with Kristine. Kristine and I met in January 07 @ our running clubs Bold in the Cold 15K. She was a newbie runner at the is a Boston Qualifier! I really enjoy my runs with Kristine because she is fast and because she can talk almost as much as I can so there is never a lull in conversation. Since it had been so long since we've been able to run together we had tons to catch up on. We ONLY did 6 (she did 20 on Saturday @ 8:40 pace) - the wind kicked our butt and we averaged a 9 minute pace.
My lesson for this weekend...thank god for running friends!
Only Half Crazy teammate Shelli and I ran 6 miles on Saturday morning down at the Trinity Trails in downtown Fort Worth. Shelli and I hadn't run together since the 1/2 we did in Phoenix and with perfect weather we headed out around 9AM. I had my handy dandy Nike+ and we had no idea of our pace or time until we finished...the fabulous news...ran 6 miles in 52 something...our pace was 8:41 - Shelli was such a trooper and responded with..."no wonder I'm dead". Way to Go Shelli!
My Sunday run was with Kristine. Kristine and I met in January 07 @ our running clubs Bold in the Cold 15K. She was a newbie runner at the is a Boston Qualifier! I really enjoy my runs with Kristine because she is fast and because she can talk almost as much as I can so there is never a lull in conversation. Since it had been so long since we've been able to run together we had tons to catch up on. We ONLY did 6 (she did 20 on Saturday @ 8:40 pace) - the wind kicked our butt and we averaged a 9 minute pace.
My lesson for this weekend...thank god for running friends!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Spring is almost here!
Winter has been hanging on here in Illinois. Not many runs outside so far this year. Today was one of those great days! I was a little worried Friday with that 1 1/2 inches of snow but the warm temps took care of it and today - 54! Had a great 4 mile run. Wonderful to be back to fresh air and a good run.
Trying hard to get ready for the Country Music 1/2 marathon in Nashville. Less than 2 months.... away!
To kick it in gear I've increased my strength training. Want to increase my core strength. Started a food log - hopefully this will all help. I've got to be able to keep up with my daughter you know! lol! she is a lot faster!
Tomorrow it might be in the 60's - hoping for a 6 mile run then.
Happy running.
Trying hard to get ready for the Country Music 1/2 marathon in Nashville. Less than 2 months.... away!
To kick it in gear I've increased my strength training. Want to increase my core strength. Started a food log - hopefully this will all help. I've got to be able to keep up with my daughter you know! lol! she is a lot faster!
Tomorrow it might be in the 60's - hoping for a 6 mile run then.
Happy running.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The one thing I hate about running...
I will admit there is just one thing I hate about running...the starvation that you feel 12-18 hours after a great run. I ran a great 6 miles last night at the gym - had a great dinner - salad & 1.5 turkey enchiladeas - had a breakfest bar this I am dying...I just consumed like 5 hersey kisses w/almonds...I didn't even think I liked almonds...but man, were those tasty!
Mental note: after a run you must get up early enough to make a really good breakfest. No ceral, not a bar in the car...but a real hot breakfest - hummmm eggs and bacon...
Mental note: after a run you must get up early enough to make a really good breakfest. No ceral, not a bar in the car...but a real hot breakfest - hummmm eggs and bacon...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
A new kind of training run!
Hey all mamas out there...a new kind of training run. Chasing your kids on bikes! Yesterday it was a beautiful 80 degrees and I was just itching to go for a run outside!. Trying to figure out the best way to leave work, change clothes, run at a park, which park, then pick up the kids...oh about I pick up the kids and run with them? But how to I get a decent run in and still be with my kids, 7 and almost 5 - because I gave up my jogging stroller years ago...They can ride and I'll run behind them!
I picked up the boys and told them the plan...they loved it! It was a hit - there is a trail in our neighborhood to a playground they have never been to before...and according to my Nike+ it is 1.5 miles from the house. A perfect distance for our first adventure in biking/running. It was a beautiful day - we went under a tunnel, over a bridge, and even through some MUD! And they got to play at a playground...couldn't ask for anything more.
Grated my pace was very up and down...had to stop a few times to help push up a hill, cross a street, and get a bike back on the sidewalk...but all in all it was a great little run.
I picked up the boys and told them the plan...they loved it! It was a hit - there is a trail in our neighborhood to a playground they have never been to before...and according to my Nike+ it is 1.5 miles from the house. A perfect distance for our first adventure in biking/running. It was a beautiful day - we went under a tunnel, over a bridge, and even through some MUD! And they got to play at a playground...couldn't ask for anything more.
Grated my pace was very up and down...had to stop a few times to help push up a hill, cross a street, and get a bike back on the sidewalk...but all in all it was a great little run.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I finally signed up!
Sorry it has taken me so long to sign up and write something Pam! I can't promise much . . . you should know considering that my reply rate to e-mails isn't that quick! The registration for San Francisco should be soon. I need motivation! I've only been doing a little cross training. I guess I'm off my high from Phoenix! I hope they show that Marathon documentary in the theaters again since I didn't catch it . . . or maybe it will be available to rent?! Let's do a run soon :)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I got an e-mail about a neat website that allows you to set out a contract for yourself to meet various goals like losing weight, maintaining weight, quitting smoking, exercising, etc. It even allows you to create your own if you want. The idea is that you set stakes for your goals by donating to charity or other options when you fail to meet your goal. You can also opt to do it with no stakes involved but that means only you are responsible. When you sign up you select someone to be your referree and then you report back once a week to indicate the progress you have made. I figured it was worth a try - 12 pounds and 9 weeks until the Country Music Half Marathon - must do something, right?????
Well, I need to get moving but even with the Country Music Marathon looming nine weeks away I still can't seem to get my butt in gear. Motivation anyone? I need it!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Sunny CA?
That is a complete rumor mind you. I was lucky enough to be able to fly out to southern CA to surprise my mother as she celebrated her 60th b-day. I was looking forward to seeing her and getting some quality runs in in some great weather. Run friday morning, get up early and run along side the ocean on saturday. Great plan...except it is cold and raining! Mom does have a treadmill...but the tv that is near doesn't have cable...only a dvd player. Movie choices for the weekend...John Wayne and more John Wayne. I'll suck it up and do something but come on...where is the SUN!
Speaking of movie...saw a great movie on the plane yesterday. Dan In Real Life. Very cute, laugh out loud movie - which is kinda embarrassing laughing out loud on an airplane...but whatever...they don't know me! Definitely a movie to watch when your stuck in the house this weekend with bad wait that is only me!
Speaking of movie...saw a great movie on the plane yesterday. Dan In Real Life. Very cute, laugh out loud movie - which is kinda embarrassing laughing out loud on an airplane...but whatever...they don't know me! Definitely a movie to watch when your stuck in the house this weekend with bad wait that is only me!
Monday, February 18, 2008
'Tis the Season
This one of my absolute favorite times of the year. It is the one time of the year that you can buy my favorite treat of all time. The Jellybean.
Everyone has their thing...the one food that they love. The one treat that you can just eat, and eat, and eat, and eat some more. I can never get enough of those wonderful tasty treats! And to top it off - my favorite...the black ones!
What is your vice in life?
Everyone has their thing...the one food that they love. The one treat that you can just eat, and eat, and eat, and eat some more. I can never get enough of those wonderful tasty treats! And to top it off - my favorite...the black ones!
What is your vice in life?
Sunday, February 17, 2008
It's been awhile
Figured it was time to post again. Starting back up running a week or so ago - a friend tried to lure me over to the Kilo side of lately the majority of my runs have been 10K's. I didn't realize how easy it would be to complete that kind of distance numerous times a week. But I guess when you have a decent baseline, your body can do wonderous things.
The weather today was lower 50's, sunny, and very windy. As I ran out to the grocery story and saw the sun shining bright, I knew that it was a perfect day for a run. The wind was supposed to kick in in the late afternoon, so I was hopeful I could home from the store and out the door before the wind kicked up too much.
Left the house - set my Nike+ to do a 10K and boy was I wrong. The wind hit me as soon as I turned off my street...and the sun was behind the clouds...crap...whose idea was this out onto the major road and life was good. My new softskin base layer top from skirtsports was fantastic. Kept me warm in the cold - yet didn't make me hot the few times the sun came out.
I will say - I have a new favorite shirt to run in. Just love how it feels, not too tight and super soft! Plus with the seemommyrun logo it looks great with a pair of teal running shots!
I'm only a little bit sad that it will not be getting much more wear - my favorite running weather is just weeks away!
anyway - back to my run - turned a corner and knew that I was less then a mile from home. My handy Nike+ said 11K - how can I be this close to 15K and not go for I took a few detours and finished up at my house in 15.02K . Even got a bonus congratulations from Mr. Lance Armstrong through my ipod...very cool!
Going out to sunny CA next weekend - definately hoping to put in a few miles out there.
The weather today was lower 50's, sunny, and very windy. As I ran out to the grocery story and saw the sun shining bright, I knew that it was a perfect day for a run. The wind was supposed to kick in in the late afternoon, so I was hopeful I could home from the store and out the door before the wind kicked up too much.
Left the house - set my Nike+ to do a 10K and boy was I wrong. The wind hit me as soon as I turned off my street...and the sun was behind the clouds...crap...whose idea was this out onto the major road and life was good. My new softskin base layer top from skirtsports was fantastic. Kept me warm in the cold - yet didn't make me hot the few times the sun came out.
I will say - I have a new favorite shirt to run in. Just love how it feels, not too tight and super soft! Plus with the seemommyrun logo it looks great with a pair of teal running shots!
I'm only a little bit sad that it will not be getting much more wear - my favorite running weather is just weeks away!
anyway - back to my run - turned a corner and knew that I was less then a mile from home. My handy Nike+ said 11K - how can I be this close to 15K and not go for I took a few detours and finished up at my house in 15.02K . Even got a bonus congratulations from Mr. Lance Armstrong through my ipod...very cool!
Going out to sunny CA next weekend - definately hoping to put in a few miles out there.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Whole Gang!
PFChang's Race Review

What I learned in Phoenix:
1. Always attend the expo as early as you can on the first day.
2. Always bring toilet paper.
3. Having family watch you run is AWESOME!
4. Orange Popsicles are yummy.
January 11th - My b-day, Shelli and I arrive in Phoenix and after a yummy burger @ Hard Rock Cafe. we hit the expo. This was my 6th big race or so and I've never been able to experience the expo on a friday...definitely worth it! Would totally recommend to anyone - hit the expo on its first day.
Saturday 12th - meet up with my sister and her friend who flew in from Denver then headed over to the expo. The expo was SOOOOO crowded! Quickly left then got a late lunch followed by a quick shopping trip at a beautiful mall. Meet family for dinner at a local Buca De Bebbo, then off to bed early.
Sunday 13th - Wake up call at 5:45AM (didn't need it though...already 1/2 dressed) My dad drove us down to the starting line. We posed for the picture above. After a few trips to the port-a-poddies, we were ready to go. The weather was perfect - upper 40's or lower 50's, sun shining and NO wind! It took about 45 minutes for us to cross the starting line...then we were off. Shelli and spent most of the first 6 or 7 miles weaving in and out of the walkers. Shelli was on fire and I spent all 13.1 miles trying to stay up with her. We were on target to do a 1.57 until mile 8 - we started slowing down a bit...but still finished with a 1.59. It was a great race. Support was great, food afterwards was great, plenty of people removing chips, plenty of bathrooms, gear check was great, and meeting up with family was quick and painless.
Someday when I get around to doing races over again - I will defiantly head back to phoenix.
Monday, January 7, 2008
If you write it must come true.
This upcoming Sunday Shelli, my sister Cary, her friend Tonya, and myself will be in Phoenix running the 1/2 marathon. My goal is simple...beat my previous 1/2 marathon time of 1.57.10 (That was my time in Cowtown last February). I had run Cowtown by myself...actually with a friend - it was her first - but we didn't actually run the race together...anyway...this time I have Shelli - I have the entire plane ride to Phoenix to convince her to not let me give up on this goal and to push me HARD the entire 13. 1 miles.
I'll make sure I write when I get home Monday night - and hopefully I'll have a picture or two of Shelli and I.
And can I also say that I am extremely excitied about hitting the expo on Friday and Saturday...I am totally a running nerd.
I'll make sure I write when I get home Monday night - and hopefully I'll have a picture or two of Shelli and I.
And can I also say that I am extremely excitied about hitting the expo on Friday and Saturday...I am totally a running nerd.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
VERY Excited!
So...I ran today...albeit slow and walking some, but still...I went out and did it thanks to Pam! :*) I am very excited tonight though because my neighborhood association is starting a runner's club. There are about 30 interested people so they are doing courses, setting up running groups and putting water out on the course. The club starts on Saturday the 12th with a three mile run. Since today's three mile was a little strained, I have a lot of work to do to get it down by Saturday! Anyway, have a great week everyone! Happy running! BEST of luck to Pam and Shelly on the PF Chang's run and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PAM ON FRIDAY!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Funny, Pam

This is a picture of me and my mom at the Country Music Half in 2007!!!!
Funny, but I really don't have "TONS" to say Pam! I'm not very good at the blogging thing, so give me a few posts to warm-up to the idea. At the start of this year I am struggling to get some fitness back into my world. I was trining for White Rock and doing quite well when I just decided that I was tired of getting up at 5am to run 6, 8, or 10 miles a day and I just kind of gave up. Three months have passed, 15 extra pounds have planted themselves and now I have 16 weeks to lose weight, get back in shape and prepare for two back-to-back Half Marathon's! Mom and I are running the Country Music Half the last weekend in April and then I will run the Heels and Hills Half the first weekend in May. I still have the Luke's Locker training program sheets, so hopefully it will be as effective as it was a few months ago! I quit somewhere around week 18 so I am thinking that I am in pretty good shape as far as getting back on track!
Looking forward to my weekend runs in 60-70 degree weather this weekend! Whoohoooo!!!!!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Nike +
My wish came true - in the bottom of my stocking was the Nike + I don't run in Nike' after some googling and velcro...I attached the sensor to the top of my shoe under the laces. Did a quick run up to the high school track, calibrated the thing, then ran home. It was very uplifting to hear how I finished when I got home. No more trying to calculate my average mile time! The only down side was that my 3 mile route that I have been doing for actually only 2.9 according to my Nike+
Other things I learned...there is a whole web of people using the Nike + Once you create an account you can create challenges and enter challenges. They even give badges to people that "win!" I haven't joined anything yet...but will definately keep you posted.
Other things I learned...there is a whole web of people using the Nike + Once you create an account you can create challenges and enter challenges. They even give badges to people that "win!" I haven't joined anything yet...but will definately keep you posted.
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