What I learned in Phoenix:
1. Always attend the expo as early as you can on the first day.
2. Always bring toilet paper.
3. Having family watch you run is AWESOME!
4. Orange Popsicles are yummy.
January 11th - My b-day, Shelli and I arrive in Phoenix and after a yummy burger @ Hard Rock Cafe. we hit the expo. This was my 6th big race or so and I've never been able to experience the expo on a friday...definitely worth it! Would totally recommend to anyone - hit the expo on its first day.
Saturday 12th - meet up with my sister and her friend who flew in from Denver then headed over to the expo. The expo was SOOOOO crowded! Quickly left then got a late lunch followed by a quick shopping trip at a beautiful mall. Meet family for dinner at a local Buca De Bebbo, then off to bed early.
Sunday 13th - Wake up call at 5:45AM (didn't need it though...already 1/2 dressed) My dad drove us down to the starting line. We posed for the picture above. After a few trips to the port-a-poddies, we were ready to go. The weather was perfect - upper 40's or lower 50's, sun shining and NO wind! It took about 45 minutes for us to cross the starting line...then we were off. Shelli and spent most of the first 6 or 7 miles weaving in and out of the walkers. Shelli was on fire and I spent all 13.1 miles trying to stay up with her. We were on target to do a 1.57 until mile 8 - we started slowing down a bit...but still finished with a 1.59. It was a great race. Support was great, food afterwards was great, plenty of people removing chips, plenty of bathrooms, gear check was great, and meeting up with family was quick and painless.
Someday when I get around to doing races over again - I will defiantly head back to phoenix.
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