Tuesday, May 20, 2008

18 down - 20 left

I hit 18 this past sunday. Didn't really have a plan when I woke up. The puppy had me up at about 5:15...after catching up with my Tivo, I deceided it was time to head out about 6:40. I took off at the park a little before 7. I did the 4 miles filled with hills first - then on a whim I stopped by the car to see if anyone called wanting to join me. Yippee Kristine had left me a voice mail. I quickly called her back. She told me to do 2 more miles...then she'll meet me there. Score 1 for Pam! Those 2 miles flew by as I was pumped with the needed energy that I wouldn't have to tackle so many miles on my own.

Kristine and I took off on the streets. A really nice 8 mile loop. She asked me how the pace was..."fast...way too fast, just kidding, not really" - anyway, it was a real joy to have her. We had just a few miles to go on our 8 and I said that it was really good of her to come out and that the 4 miles that I needed to make it to 18 would be a great cool down through the park. She then said "don't worry, I'm not leaving you, I'm bringing you all the way home!" - Crap, you weren't supposed to say that...but with that the next miles just flew by. Our last mile was clocked @ 9.06 - not too shabby.

It was a great run and I am still very grateful that I showed up at Bold in the Cold on that horrible weather day for a 15K run in January of 07...I met a great friend and runny buddy that day.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

18 this weekend

With 2 16's under my belt - I deceided to push for an 18 this weekend. I just put a post on the running club forum trying to drum up some friends...sometime you got running buddies...sometimes you dont'...18 miles...right when you need them...but that is when most run away...

I'm missing a 5K race on saturday. Theo has his last baseball game bright an early @ 8:15 - if only that was early...I would have been awake for at least 3 hours - darn new puppy.

School is almost out and the boys and I are really looking forward to heading up to the lake house for the first summer in MN. I'm hoping to find some great running trails...hum, perhaps I'll take up trail running....more on that later hopefully.

I've made the decision to get a new tatoo after Grandma's if I can PR - gotta finish under 4:20 to earn the baby. My sister is working on the design. I'll post it here when she is done.

pamcakes out.

Monday, May 5, 2008

16 down

This past Sunday I did my longest run in a very long time. I was set to run 16 to get me ready for Grandma's on the 21st of June. With life the way it is...I had to get out on Saturday...crap Shelli has the Y - there is NO way that I can run 16 alone...because that is boring!

Along came Boston Kristine and she offered to do 10 with me. SCORE! I can do 10 with her, that only leaves me with 6 more to do alone. I can do that!

The miles seemed to fly by as Kristine and I ran - it had been so long since we've had a chance to run together, I kinda forgot what it was like to be pushed...but my 6 alone gave me a chance to slow the pace down a bit. The weather was great! Shorts and my favorite black long sleeve shirt. It was a great way to begin a Saturday.

I'm doing another 16 this weekend. I think I'll have Kristine again for at least 12.

7 Weeks to go!