Tuesday, May 20, 2008

18 down - 20 left

I hit 18 this past sunday. Didn't really have a plan when I woke up. The puppy had me up at about 5:15...after catching up with my Tivo, I deceided it was time to head out about 6:40. I took off at the park a little before 7. I did the 4 miles filled with hills first - then on a whim I stopped by the car to see if anyone called wanting to join me. Yippee Kristine had left me a voice mail. I quickly called her back. She told me to do 2 more miles...then she'll meet me there. Score 1 for Pam! Those 2 miles flew by as I was pumped with the needed energy that I wouldn't have to tackle so many miles on my own.

Kristine and I took off on the streets. A really nice 8 mile loop. She asked me how the pace was..."fast...way too fast, just kidding, not really" - anyway, it was a real joy to have her. We had just a few miles to go on our 8 and I said that it was really good of her to come out and that the 4 miles that I needed to make it to 18 would be a great cool down through the park. She then said "don't worry, I'm not leaving you, I'm bringing you all the way home!" - Crap, you weren't supposed to say that...but with that the next miles just flew by. Our last mile was clocked @ 9.06 - not too shabby.

It was a great run and I am still very grateful that I showed up at Bold in the Cold on that horrible weather day for a 15K run in January of 07...I met a great friend and runny buddy that day.

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